Sexual Orientation
The LGBT community are more comfortable in public than back in the day. We see more LGBT couples getting married and with a family of their own. Some parents don't explain to their children about different sexual orientations. My daughter watches a show on Nickelodeon called The Loud House, It shows that the main character has a best friend that has two fathers and that are very caring parents. He sees his parents as normal parents."Many governments fail to see the need to give specific attention to sexual diversity in education". This why I believe it's every school's and teacher's responsibility to discuss about different sexual orientations to their students. Students can understand and respect their LGBT peers and LGBT community, inside and outside the school. It can prevent LGBT students getting bullied in school."Diversity enhances social development".
Back when I was in High School, boys and girls used the restrooms to fight because they thought they wouldn't get caught by any teachers or by the security, which sometimes they wouldn't get caught at all. This one of the reason why LGBT students are sometimes afraid to go to the school's restroom. LGBT students can be more comfortable attending school and going to the school's restroom without having the fear of someone being physical abusive to them. "Though LGBTQ students are happy, well adjusted, and liked by others, some students who are LGBTQ, or are perceived to be, are harassed by other students in schools"(pg.113). It is the teachers responsibility for making LGBT students feel the hundredth percent support and feel comfortable enough to go to a teacher any time of the day, when there's a problem going on in the restroom or anywhere else.
If girls can play in the football team, well there shouldn't be an issue of different sexual orientations in the school's athletic department because every student should have the opportunity to play in any sport they want. The school should be fair with every student body.
As for dress codes, Any student should dress however they want, but they should dress in decent manner and in the school's dress code, they should not worry about being judge by wearing pink or blue shoes, students should have the right to express themselves.
- Gollnick, Donna M., and Philip C. Chinn, Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society; Pearson, 2017.
- Hyman, Jeremy s., and Lynn F. Jacobs. “Why Does Diversity Matter at College Anyway?” Usnews, 12 Aug. 2009, 4:28 p.m.,
- “Sexual Diversity Education Information.” Sexual Diversity,
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