Culture Identity

Culture Identity is who you are, ethnicity, and religion. "Each of the groups to which we belong to has distinguishable cultural patterns shared  among who identity themselves as members of particular group"(p.g.8). In some family cases their culture starts to fade through time because of different generations. I believe it is a wonderful feeling learning where you come from and who you are. My father and grandmother told me stories of when they first came to the United States from Durango, Mexico, knowing nothing, completely blind. They came here to have better opportunities in life, which they have accomplished. In my opinion it is important who you are because it defines you as a person.

Culture identity can impact students by being more comfortable around their peers and with that comfortableness they can be themselves and have a high academic success in school. Once students feel that their peers have respect for one another, they will soon start participating in class without any fear of any judgement from their peers. It can avoid conflict between students.Students can find themselves learning about each individual culture. For instance, a student from one of the videos my professor linked for us to watch was unsure and confused of who she really was. The student told her teacher that she use to call herself an American and now, she is not just an American, she is also Filipino and she is grateful for her culture.

As a teacher in the beginning of the school year I will show my students I care about each individual  equally and I will have students introduce themselves and tell the class a bit about their background "A philosophy that demands high expectations of all students for success''. As a teacher or not it matters for students to find their culture identity because they can have that power of pushing further in their academic journey and they are the future of this world.



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